Use of the plants to maintain human health is already practiced since ancient time. In line with the introduction of modern medicine, plant use in healthcare has tremendously reduced.
In this documentation, the focus would be on the use of plants in the healthcare among indigenous people of Malaysia, especially in Sabah and Sarawak.
Several research and documentation was carried out in order to uncover plants that had been used by some ethnics to treat illnesses or ailments. There are about eight ethnics or places that had been involved in this article. The peoples and places were:
- The Jakun of Kg. Sayong Pinang, Johor
- The Bajau of Kota Belud, Sabah
- The Brunei Malay of Binsulok, Klias Sabah
- The Orang Sungai along Sungai Along, Upper Sungai Kinabatangan, Sabah
- The Orang Sungai along Sungai Along, Lower Sungai Kinabatangan, Sabah
- The Communities Inhabiting of Klias Peat Swamp Forest Reserve, Sabah
- Klias – Binsulok Scientific Expedition in 1999
- The Tidong Community of Lower Segama
1. The Jakun of Kg. Sayong Pinang, Johor
- The Jakun belongs to the Proto-Malays (natives) of Peninsular Malaysia together with the Temuan, Semelai, Orang Kanaq, Orang Kuala, Orang Seletar and Temoq and are mainly found in the Southern state of Johor [1].
- These ethnics mostly live in wooden and concrete homes (Figure 1).
- Interviews were carried out with Tok Batin (village head) and other old villagers. No scientific name identified as there were no voucher specimens collected.
Figure 1: A Jakun house in Kg. Sayong Pinang, Johor. Several components of the house are plant-based |
- This interview session resulted in documenting of 19 plants used daily and in healthcare among these ethnics. The follow table listed the plants mentioned by these ethnics:
Table 1: Plant uses by Jakun of Kg. Sayong Pinang
No. | Local name of plant | Part of plant used | Treatment |
1. | Pokok ubat batuk | Roots | Cough |
2. | Keladi | Roots | Cancer |
3. | Kacip fatimah | Roots | Well being of women |
4. | Daun tujuh bilah | Shoots and flowers | Eaten as ulam |
5. | Tumbuhan meranti | Fruits and leaves | Hypertension and diabetes |
6. | Mas cotek | Leaves and roots | Diabetes |
7. | Pokok seringan | Roots | Cancer |
8. | Pokok selemba minyak | Ripe fruits and leaves | Antidote for bites of poisonous animals (e.g. snake or scorpion) |
9. | Hempedu ular | Leaves | Fever and relieved cough |
10. | Daun asam gelugor | Leaves | Flatulence of women who had just delivered a baby |
11. | Kulit kayu ara | Bark | Used to make accessories |
12. | Daun lerek | Leaves | Wrapping materials for traditional cake called lepat |
13. | Pokok kulim | Fruits | Replaces onion |
14. | Pokok ketiau/pokok nyatuh | Fruits | Make oil |
15. | Daun pepijat/daun salawat | Tuber/rhizome like ginger |
Used to cook fish curry, Natives of Gunung Ledang used the roots to treat asthma |
16. | Buah kelompang | Fruits | Used in sambal dish (fried spicy condiment) |
17. | Periuk kera | Pitcher | Used as container to cook rice |
18. | Daun ketumbar | Leaves | Used to cook fish dishes |
19. | Pokok palawan | Bark of tree | Boiled in water and decoction used for cleaning wounds, used as an ingredient in cosmetic products |
2. The Bajau in Kota Belud, Sabah
- The Bajau ethnic is the second largest community after the Dusun. They are found mainly in western and eastern coastal areas of Sabah. The Bajau also existed at the east in Kota Belud, Papar and Tuaran [2].
- The population’s expertise is influenced by the location they live in. Those that live near the coast are fishermen and those who live in the land such as Kota Belud are farmers. They are also experts in riding horses (Figure 2).
- The interview process is conducted as presented the chart below:
No. | Plant | Treatment |
1. | Allium sativum English: garlic Malay: bawang putih | High blood pressure |
2. | Allamanda cathartica English: allamanda Malay: bunga loceng | Itchiness |
3. | Aloe vera English: aloe vera Malay: lidah buaya | Bruises and swells |
4. | Alpinia galanga English: galangal Malay: lengkuas | Cough with phlegm |
5. | Areca catechu English: areca nut Malay: pinang | Ulcer in babies, fever |
6. | Averrhoa bilimbi English: bilimibi Malay: belimbing buluh | Fever |
7. | Blumea balsamifera English: ngai camphor Malay: Sam | Fever |
8. | Calophyllum inophyllum English: bitangor Malay: pokok dengkaan | Clean wounds and gastric |
9. | Capsicum frutescens English: birds eye chilly Malay: cili padi | Incomplete voiding, food poisoning |
10. | Carica papaya English: papaya Malay: betik | Pain in the body and roughage |
11. | Ceiba pentandra English: kapok tree Malay: pokok kekabu/pokok kapok | Fever |
12. | Centella asiatica English: oriental water cress Malay: pegaga | Youthful |
13. | Citrofortunella microcarpa English: kalamansi lime Malay: limau kasturi | Gastric |
14. | Citrus aurantifolia English: lime Malay: limau nipis | Prevent hair fall |
15. | Coleus blumei English: butterfly coleusMalay: pokok ati-ati | Cough |
16. | Curcuma longa English: turmeric Malay: kunyit | After birth medication for woman |
17. | Curcuma zanthorrhiza English: red ginger Malay: halia merah, temulawak | Gastric, bone fracture/sprain |
18. | Cymbopogon citratus English: lemon grass Malay: serai | Diarrhoea |
19. | Cymbopogon nardus English: fragrant lemon grass Malay: serai wangi | Headache |
20. | Eichhornia crassipes English: water hyacinth Malay: keladi bunting | Cough with phlegm |
21. | Etlingera elatior English: torch ginger Malay: kantan | Eliminate body odour |
22. | Eupatorium odoratum English: Siamese weed Malay: pokok kapal terbang | Minor wounds |
23. | Hibiscus rosa–sinensis English: hibiscus Malay: bunga raya | Boils |
24. | Imperata cylindrica English: speargrass Malay: lalang/rumput lalang | Remove heat |
25. | Ixora macrothyrsa English: ixora Malay: jarum-jarum/siantan | Irregular menstrual cycle |
26. | Kalanchoe pinnata English: miracle plant Malay: setawar | Fever, bloated stomach |
27. | Lantana camara English: lantana Malay: bunga tahi ayam | Mumps |
28. | Lawsonia enermis English: henna Malay: inai | Gout |
29. | Manihot esculenta English: tapioca Malay: ubi kayu | Fever, headache |
30. | Melastoma malabathricum English: Singapore rhodendron Malay: senduduk | Diarrhoea, to remove scars |
31. | Mimosa pudica English: shame plant Malay: pokok semalu | Minor wounds |
32. | Morinda citrifolia English: noni Malay: mengkudu | Flatulence |
33. | Murraya koenigii English: curry leaves Malay: pokok daun kari | Swells and bruises |
34. | Orthosiphon aristatus English: cat’s whisker Malay: pokok misai kucing | Hypertension |
35. | Pandanus odorus English: fragrant pandan Malay: pandan wangi | Remove dandruff |
38. | Sesbania grandiflora English: vegetable hummingbird Malay: kembang tuli /kembang suri | Diarrhoea |
39. | Stachytarpheta jamaicensis English: rat tail Malay: selasih dandi | Minor wounds |
40. | Zingiber officinale English: ginger Malay: halia | After birth treatment, stomachache |
- Some of the plants used by this community were available on the date of interview and were collected for herbarium specimen and identification. Below is the picture of some medicinal plant used by the Bajau ethnic:
3. The Brunei Malay of Binsulok, Klias Sabah
- This research studied that plants are used as medicine, and in healthcare among the Brunei ethnic in Kampung Binsulok. The village is found in the area of Klias peninsula in Sabah.
- The information about the plants included the local names, function of the plants and the method of preparation were gathered and recorded. Plant specimens were collected and prepared into herbarium specimen. The herbarium specimens were then deposited at the Biosystematic Collection/BORNEENSIS [4]. The interview process is described in the chart below:
- There are various methods in preparation of the herb for medicinal use but the herbs are often prepared by boiling the plant parts, and drinking the decoction, known as anying masak in Brunei. Table 3 shows the list of plants used by the Brunei Malay community for medicinal value:
Table 3: The list of plants used in healthcare by the Brunei Malay
No. | Plant | Treatment |
1. | Allium sativum English: garlic Brunei Malay: bawang putih | Stomachache (children) |
2. | Aloe vera English: aloe vera Brunei Malay: lidah buaya | Headache |
3. | Alpinia galanga English: galangal Brunei Malay: lengkuas | Itchiness of the skin |
4. | Anacardium occidentale English: cashew nut Brunei Malay: gajus | Diarrhoea, diabetes |
5. | Areca catechu English: areca nut Brunei Malay: pinang | Rashes in children, seizure |
6. | Averrhoa bilimbi English: bilimibi Brunei Malay: belimbing pucung | Hypertension |
7. | Blechnum orientale English: centipede fern Brunei Malay: paku-paku | Boils |
8. | Blumea balsamifera English: ngai camphor Brunei Malay: sambung | To rejuvenate body |
9. | Carica papaya English: papaya Brunei Malay: kepayas | Hypertension, for helminthes among children |
10. | Caesalpina sappan English: sappan tree Brunei Malay: sapang | Family planning, hypertension, shrink uterus after birth |
11. | Capsicum frutescens English: birds eye chilly Brunei Malay: lada padi | Painful stomachache, flatulence (pregnant woman) |
12. | Cassia alata English: ringworm bush Brunei Malay: tarumsuluk | Skin diseases, tenia versicolor, ring worm, scabies), cracked lips |
13. | Ceiba petandra English: kapok tree Brunei Malay: kapuk | Headache |
14. | Citrus aurantifolia English: lime Brunei Malay: limau kapas | Headache |
15. | Chromolaena odorata English: Siamese weed Brunei Malay: bebau | Stomachache, shortness of breath, boils, wounds, seizure |
16. | Cocos nucifera English: coconut Brunei Malay: pokok kelapa | Mumps, fever, small-pox, headache |
17. | Commelina sp. English: bamboo Brunei Malay: rotan bini | To clean up placental remain after birth, to speed up birth |
18. | Croton caudatum English: croton oil plant Brunei Malay: manjakani | Shrink uterus after birth |
19. | Curcuma domestica English: turmeric Brunei Malay: kunyit | Shrink uterus after birth, rejuvenation of body |
20. | Cymbopogon citratus English: lemon grass Brunei Malay: serai | Reduce hypertension |
21. | Dillenia suffruticosa English: shrubby simpoh Brunei Malay: pokok simpur | Stomachache in adults |
22. | Garcinia augusta English: Brunei Malay: asam arui-arui | Postnatal treatment |
23. | Garcinia dulcis English: Brunei Malay: bunga cepiring | Kidney stone, jaundice |
24. | Hibiscus rosa-sinensis English: hibiscus Brunei Malay: bunga gelambir ayam | Headache, sore eye |
25. | Ipomea aquatica English: water spinach Brunei Malay: kangkung | Hasten imitiation of walking for toddlers |
26. | Jatropha gossypiifolia English: red physic nut Brunei Malay: tangan-tangan | Stomach ache (babies), swollen blood vessels, sprains |
27. | Kalanchoe pinnata English: miracle plant Brunei Malay: suganda tabal | Headache, fever |
28. | Kaempferia galanga English: resurrection lily Brunei Malay: cekur | Boils |
29. | Lawsonia enermis English: henna Brunei Malay: inai | Shrink uterus after birth |
30. | Lygodium microphyllum English: climbing maidenhair fern Brunei Malay: ribu-ribu | Itchiness on body |
31. | Manihot esculenta English: tapioca Brunei Malay: ubi kayu | Hypertension, fever |
32. | Melastoma malabathricum English: Singapore rhododendron Brunei Malay: kuduk-kuduk | Boils, to shrink uterus after birth |
33. | Mimosa pudica English: shame plant Brunei Malay: supan-supan | Boils, wounds |
34. | Morinda citrifolia English: noni Brunei Malay: mengkudu | Stomach and diarrhea, hypertension, diabetes |
35. | Murraya koenigii English: curry leaf Brunei Malay: daun kari | Diabetes |
36. | Orthosiphon aristatus English: cat’s whisker Brunei Malay: misai kucing | Hypertension |
37. | Phyllanthus niruri English: seed-under-leaf Brunei Malay: dukung anak | Wounds, cough |
38. | Piper betle English: betle leaf Brunei Malay: sireh | Bleeding nose, itchiness on body, wounds |
39. | Psidium guajava English: guava Brunei Malay: jambu batu | Diarrhoea, flu, cough |
40. | Rhizophora mucronata English: stilt mangrove Brunei Malay: pokok nyireh, ngirih | Skin diseases |
41. | Sida rhombifolia English: yellow barleria Brunei Malay: sinaguri | N/A |
42. | Stenochlaena palustris Engish: N/A Brunei Malay: lemiding | N/A |
43. | Tamarindus indica English: tamarind Brunei Malay: asam jawa | Mumps, assist in blood flow, hemorrhoids |
44. | Tinospora crispa English: heavenly elixir Brunei Malay: ratnawali | Scabies |
45. | Vitex pubescens English: N/ABrunei Malay: kulimpapa | Gastric |
46. | Zingiber officinale English: ginger Brunei Malay: halia | N/A |
47. | Zingiber zerumbet English: shampoo ginger Brunei Malay: lempuyang | For well being after birth |
- The following picture shows some of the plants claimed to have medicinal benefit to Brunei Malay community in Kampung Binsulok, Klias Sabah:
4. The Orang Sungai along Sungai Along, Upper Sungai Kinabatangan, Sabah
- Sungai Kinabatangan is the second longest river in Malaysia with an approximately 560 km in length. This two years research [5] process is presented in the following diagram:
5. The Orang Sungai along Sungai Along, Lower Sungai Kinabatangan, Sabah
- This ethnobotanical survey documented medicinally important plants of the Kadazan-Dusun ethnic [6]. The percentage of Orang Sungai who practiced traditional knowledge is very low.
- Three villages were covered in this study; Kampung Mengaris, Kampung Batu Puteh and Kampong Perpaduan with a total number of 16 respondents.
- This survey documentation resulted in 152 species, which comes from 118 genera from 65 families of medicinal plants. 95 species from the total 152 species had been recorded has voucher specimens which were deposited in BORNEENSIS, Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
- The main usage of herbs usually focused on women after childbirth which covered a total of 31.58% from the total plant species recorded.
6. The Communities that inhabiting Klias Peat Swamp Forest, Sabah
- A study in a research program called Conservation and Sustainable Use of Tropical Peat Swamp Forest had been done to document the plants used by the local people. This research program was funded by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) [7].
- In this study, 123 species of plants from 66 families were identified, and claimed to be useful for the local people. The lists of the plant are presented in the following table:
Table 4: Medicinal plants from Klias Swamp Forest, Sabah that claimed to have medicinal and healthcare values
No. | Vernacular name | Species name | Family |
1. | Kaca piring | Justicia gendarussa | Acanthaceae |
2. | Kunyit hantu/kunyit raja | Cordyline sp. | Agavaceae |
3. | Mangga | Mangifera griffithii | Anacardiaceae |
4. | Pinsudung/angan asu/pintudung | Polyalthia sp. | Annonaceae |
5. | Durian belanda | Annona muricata | Annonaceae |
6. | Bunga loceng/bunga kuning/bunga piring | Allamanda cathartica | Apocynaceae |
7. | Pulai | Alstonia angustiloba | Apocynaceae |
8. | Pinang | Areca catechu | Arecacea |
9. | Piampis/empulus | Calamus erinaceus | Arecacea |
10. | Rotan getah | Calamus sp. | Arecacea |
11. | Jerangau | Acorus calamus | Araceae |
12. | Pikolos | Aglaonema simplex | Araceae |
13. | Keladi | Colocasia esculenta | Araceae |
14. | Pelibas | Polyscias balfouriana | Araliaceae |
15. | Ribu-ribu | Dischidia sp. | Asclepiadaceae |
16. | Pakis | Diplazium esculentum | Athyriaceae |
17. | Pakis paya | Blechnum orientale | Blechnaceae |
18. | Lemiding | Stenochlaena palustris | Blechnaceae |
19. | Kapok/katok | Ceiba pentandra | Bombacaceae |
20. | Durian merah | Durio kutejensis | Bombacaceae |
21. | Durian kuning | Durio sp. | Bombacaceae |
22. | Nenas | Ananas comosus | Bromeliaceae |
23. | Betik | Carica papaya | Caricaceae |
24. | Manggis | Garcinia mangostana | Clusiaceae |
25. | Asam aroi | Garcinia parvifolia | Clusiaceae |
26. | Tingkodom/tinkodu/tingkodong | Cyanotis sp. | Commelinaceae |
27. | Daun sambung/pokok sambung | Blumea balsamifera | Compositae |
28. | Ulam raja | Cosmos caudatus | Compositae |
29. | Kangkung | Ipomoea aquatica | Convolvulaceae |
30. | Ubi manis | Ipomoea batatas | Convolvulaceae |
31. | N/A | Kalanchoe pinnata | Crassulaceae |
32. | Peria | Momordica charantia | Cucurbitaceae |
33. | Tumbuh-tumbuh jubur | Cyperus brevifolius | Cyperaceae |
34. | N/A | Scleria sp. | Cyperaceae |
35. | Binuang | Octomeles sumatrana | Datiscaceae |
36. | Simpur laki/merah | Dillenia excelsa | Dilleniaceae |
37. | Simpur putih | Dillenia suffruticosa | Dilleniaceae |
38. | Tetulang | Euphorbia tirucalli | Euphorbiaceae |
39. | N/A | Mallotus floribundus | Euphorbiaceae |
40. | Logom/logam | Mallotus muticus | Euphorbiaceae |
41. | Ubi kayu | Manihot esculenta | Euphorbiaceae |
42. | Pancar 7/bunga duri 9/bunga merah berduri | Synadenium grantii | Euphorbiaceae |
43. | Jering | Archidendron jiringa | Fabaceae |
44. | Terung suluk | Cassia alata | Fabaceae |
45. | Ringan-ringan | Flemingia sp. | Fabaceae |
46. | Daun sopan | Mimosa pudica | Fabaceae |
47. | Kembang suli/suri/bunga kembang ketuli | Sesbania grandiflora | Fabaceae |
48. | Rokam/lukom | Flacourtia rukam | Flacourtiaceae |
49. | Rotan bini/wanasu | Flagellaria indica | Flagellariaceae |
50. | Misai kucing | Orthosiphon aristatus | Lamiaceae |
51. | Berlian no.3 – melagangai | Eusideroxylon melagangai | Lauraceae agangai |
52. | Kukubaja jantan/ temamali susungan/ kebaja | Leea indica | Leeaceae |
53. | Bawang putih | Allium sativum | Liliaceae |
54. | Lidah buaya | Aloe vera | Liliaceae |
55. | Raja kayu | Loranthus sp. | Loranthaceae |
56. | Pacar inai | Lawsonia inermis | Lythraceae |
57. | Bunga raya | Hibiscus rosa-sinensis | Malvaceae |
58. | Bunga raya putih | Hibiscus sp. | Malvaceae |
59. | Kayu litak | Pterospermum elongatum | Malvaceae |
60. | Tatambar | Sida sp. | Malvaceae |
61. | Langsat | Lansium domesticum | Meliaceae |
62. | Kuduk-kuduk batu | Clidemia hirta | Melastomaataceae |
63. | Kuduk-kuduk/lalatak/uduk-uduk/senduduk | Melastoma malabathricum | Melastomaataceae |
64. | Aratwali | Tinospora crispa | Menispermaceae |
65. | Tapok | Artocarpus elasticus | Moraceae |
66. | Bajang | Ficus variegata | Moraceae |
67. | Pisang | Musa sp. | Musaceae |
68. | Jambu | Psidium guajava | Myrtacaceae |
69. | Jambu batu merah | Psidium sp. | Myrtacaceae |
70. | Jarang periuk kera | Nepenthes gracilis | Nepenthaceae |
71. | Pucuk paku | Nephrolepis sp. | Nephrolepidaceae |
72. | Bingkulat | Chionanthus pluriflorus | Oleaceae |
73. | Tongkat langit | Helminthostachys zeylanica | Ophioglossaceae |
74. | Orkid gergasi/akar songsang | Grammatophyllum sp. | Orchidaceae |
75. | Belimbing pucung | Averrhoa bilimbi | Oxalidaceae |
76. | Belimbing biasa | Averrhoa carambola | Oxalidaceae |
77. | Pandan wangi | Pandanus amaryllifolius | Pandanaceae |
78. | Pandan | Pandanus sp. | Pandanaceae |
79. | Changling/cengaling | Bridelia stipularis | Phyllanthaceae |
80. | Cekur manis | Sauropus androgynus | Phyllanthaceae |
81. | Tidur-tidur | Sauropus sp. | Phyllanthaceae |
82. | Sireh | Piper nigrum | Piperaceae |
83. | Bambu kuning | Bambusa vulgaris var. striata | Poaceae |
84. | Tatambalang | Brachiaria subquadripara | Poaceae |
85. | Serai | Cymbopogon citratus | Poaceae |
86. | Serai wangi | Cymbopogon nardus | Poaceae |
87. | Rumput askar/rumput kerbau/kumpau | Eleusine indica | Poaceae |
88. | Rebung | Gigantochloa levis | Poaceae |
89. | Lalang | Imperata cylindrica | Poaceae |
90. | Tebu merah | Saccharum sp. | Poaceae |
91. | Jagung | Zea mays | Poaceae |
92. | Rumah payau | Platycerium grande | Polypodiaceae |
93. | Balik angin | Alphitonia excelsa | Rhamnaceae |
94. | Dulud tambang/dulut tambany | Ardisia sp. | Primulaceae |
95. | N/A | Gardenia sp. | Rubiaceae |
96. | Patah bubut/lolomi/lolongi | Hedyotis sp. | Rubiaceae |
97. | Mengkudu/bangkudu | Morinda citrifolia | Rubiaceae |
98. | Bongkol/bongkor | Nauclea subdita | Rubiaceae |
99. | Kalait/klait | Uncaria sp. | Rubiaceae |
100. | Kolopis/limau besar/asam/limau kapas | Citrus aurantiifolia | Rutaceae |
101. | Lingkong | Lygodium circinatum | Schizaeceae |
102. | Akar rebus | Scoparia dulcis | Scrophulariaceae |
103. | Kukuan/tangan hantu/karim rapat/keim rogon | Selaginella sp. | Selaginellaceae |
104. | Tongkat ali | Eurycoma longifolia | Simaroubaceae |
105. | Lada padi | Capsicum frutescens | Solanaceae |
106. | Terung belanda | Solanum sp. | Solanaceae |
107. | Terung pipit/terung pasai/tontorung | Solanum torvum | Solanaceae |
108. | Timahar | Kleinhovia hospita | Sterculiaceae |
109. | Dagong | Trema orientalis | Ulmaceae |
110. | Pegaga | Centella asiatica | Umbelliferae |
111. | Jerangau tikus | Pouzolzia zeylanica | Urticaceae |
112. | N/A | Pouzolzia sp. | Urticaceae |
113. | Sambar nasi | Callicarpa longifolia | Verbenaceae |
114. | Rarasan/larasan | Clerodendrum benthumianum | Verbenaceae |
115. | Bayam nyur/bayam sibulat | Clerodendrum sp. | Verbenaceae |
116. | Tahi ayam | Lantana camara | Verbenaceae |
117. | Kuling papa | Vitex pubescens | Verbenaceae |
118. | Kayu ampalas/tetawar/ tawar-tawar | Costus speciosus | Zingiberaceae |
119. | Kunyit | Curcuma domestica | Zingiberaceae |
120. | Tuhau | Etlingera punicea | Zingiberaceae |
121. | Halia | Zingiber officinale | Zingiberaceae |
7. Klias- Binsulok Scientifik Expedition (1999)
- In this expedition, a total of 65 species of plants used in traditional medicine were documented. The following table below listed the documented plant species [8]:
Table 5: Medicinal plants families and ailments treated
No | Plant | Treatment |
1. | Acorus calamus Local name: Jerangau merah | Antirheumatic |
2. | Aloe vera Local name: Lidah buaya | Relieves burns |
3. | Andrographis paniculata Local name: Hempedu bumi | Reduce hypertension |
4. | Annona muricata Local name: Durian belanda | Reduce hypertension |
5. | Areca catechu Local name: Pinang | Relieves skin irritation |
6. | Calophyllum inophyllum Local name: Bintangor | Antiophthalmic |
7. | Capsicum frutescens Local name: Cili padi | Relieves toothaches |
8. | Carica papaya Local name: Kapaya | Wart remover |
9. | Cassia alata Local name: Kayu paul | Relieves skin irritation due to ringworm |
10. | Ceiba pentandra Local name: Kapok-kapok | Antiasthmatic |
11. | Centella asiatica Local name: Pegaga | Antiasthmatic |
12. | Cinamommum iners Local name: Kayu manis | Expedite healing broken bones |
13. | Clidemia hirta Local name: Kodok-kodok batu | Relieves heartburn |
14. | Cocos nucifera Local name: Piasau | Antidote for poison |
15. | Commelina sp. Local name: Rotan bini | Reduces scaly skin |
16. | Cosmos caudatus Local name: Ulam labuan | Postpartum tonic |
17. | Costus speciosus Local name: Tawar | Tonic |
18. | Curcuma domestica Local name: Kunyit | Antibacterial |
19. | Cymbopogon citratus Local name: Serai | Mosquito repellent |
20. | Cymbopogon nardus Local name: Serai wangi | Antilithic |
21. | Kyllinga sp. Local name: Tumbuh-tumbuh jubok | Relieves coughs |
22. | Desmodium triflorum Local name: Sisik buaya | Relieves boils |
23. | Drynaria sp. Local name: Lukut | Relieves headaches |
24. | Euphorbia hirta Local name: Rumput putih | Anticoagulant |
25. | Eurycoma longifolia Local name: Tongkat ali | Aphrodisiac |
26. | Eusideroxylon melagangai Local name: Malakangai | Relieves backache |
27. | Eupatorium odaratum Local name: Rumput Malaysia | Thrombogenic |
28. | Gardenia augusta Local name: Bunga kaca piring | Diuretic |
29. | Helminthostachys zeylanica Local name: Jelai | Tonic |
30. | Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Local name: Bunga raya | Slows down graying |
31. | Hibiscus tiliaceus Local name: Baru-baru | Relieves swelling |
32. | Homalomena sp. Local name: Keladi biak | Febrifuge |
33. | Hydnophytum formicarum Local name: Sarang semut | Cancer |
34. | Impatiens balsamina Local name: Inai pacak | Antihypertension |
35. | Imperata cylindrica Local name: Lalang | Antitumor |
36. | Jasminum sambac Local name: Melor | Relieves headache |
37. | Kaempferia galanga Local name: Cekur | Postnatal tonic |
38. | Lansium domesticum Local name: Langsat | Antimalaria |
39. | Lygodium sp. Local name: Langkubut | Removes thorn |
40. | Manihot esculenta Local name: Ubi kayu | Stomach complaints |
41. | Melastoma malabathricum Local name: Kodok-kodok | Relieves heartburn |
42. | Mimosa pudica Local name: Malu-malu | Tonic |
43. | Morinda citrifolia Local name: Mengkudu | Diabetes |
44. | Nepenthes gracilis Local name: Periuk kera | Postnatal tonic |
45. | Oldenlandia diffusa Local name: Rumput kerak nasi | Antipsychotic |
46. | Orthosiphon aristatus Local name: Misai kucing | Antihypertensive |
47. | Pandanus sp. Local name: Rasau manok | Antipsychotic |
48. | Parkia speciosa Local name: Petai | Antidiabetic |
49. | Paspalum conjugatum Local name: Rumput kumpau | Thrombogenic |
50. | Pennisetum purpureum Local name: Padi hiang | Rouses appetite |
51. | Peperomia pellucida Local name: N/A | Antirheumatic |
52. | Phyllantus niruri Local name: Dukung anak | Purifies blood |
53. | Piper betle Local name: Sirih | Sinusitis |
54. | Pithecellobium jiringa Local name: Jering | Antidiabetic |
55. | Pouzolzia sp. Local name: Rumput haruan-haruan | Antithermic |
56. | Psidium guajava Local name: Jambu | Stomach complaints |
57. | Sauropus sp. Local name: Supan-supan | Cancer prevention |
58. | Scindapsus sp. Local name: Keladi malong | Gout affected area |
59. | Selaginella sp. Local name: Rumput halus | Postpartum tonic |
60. | Tinospora crispa Local name: Patawali | Antihypertension/antidiabetic |
61. | Trema orientalis Local name: Lindagong | Relieves thrush |
62. | Vitex pubescens Local name: Kulim papa | Antimalaria |
63. | Zingiber purpureum Local name: Bonglai | Tonic |
64. | Zingiber officinale Local name: Halia | Carminative |
65. | Zingiber zerumbet Local name: Lempoyang | Tonic |
8. The Tidong Community of Lower Segama
- In this study, it is reported that 66 species of plants were discovered to have medicinal uses within Tidong community. Tidong is a Sabah ethnic group with their own culture, traditions and beliefs [9].
- All the plants that were recorded were collected from swamps, home gardens, neighborhood, moist soil, forest, symbiotic-plants and also some on decayed bark and on tree trunks. The plants discovered are dominated by herbs (62.1%), shrubs (9.1%), trees (6.1%) and others (22.7%) [9].
- The list of the plants used by the Tidong community is stated as below:
Table 6: Traditional knowledge in used of medicinal plants among Tidong communitty
No | Plants | Treatment |
1. | Acorus calamus Local name: Jerangau merah | Antirheumatic |
2. | Aloe vera Local name: Lidah buaya | Relieves burns |
3. | Andrographis paniculata Local name: Hempedu bumi | Reduce hypertension |
4. | Annona muricata Local name: Durian belanda | Reduce hypertension |
5. | Areca catechu Local name: Pinang | Relieves skin irritation |
6. | Calophyllum inophyllum Local name: Bintangor | Antiophthalmic |
7. | Capsicum frutescens Local name: Cili padi | Relieves toothaches |
8. | Carica papaya Local name: Kapaya | Wart remover |
9. | Cassia alata Local name: Kayu paul | Relieves skin irritation due to ringworm |
10. | Ceiba pentandra Local name: Kapok-kapok | Antiasthmatic |
11. | Centella asiatica Local name: Pegaga | Antiasthmatic |
12. | Cinamommum iners Local name: Kayu manis | Expedite healing broken bones |
13. | Clidemia hirta Local name: Kodok-kodok batu | Relieves heartburn |
14. | Cocos nucifera Local name: Piasau | Antidote for poison |
15. | Commelina sp. Local name: Rotan bini | Reduces scaly skin |
16. | Cosmos caudatus Local name: Ulam labuan | Postpartum tonic |
17. | Costus speciosus Local name: Tawar | Tonic |
18. | Curcuma domestica Local name: Kunyit | Antibacterial |
19. | Cymbopogon citratus Local name: Serai | Mosquito repellent |
20. | Cymbopogon nardus Local name: Serai wangi | Antilithic |
21 | Kyllinga sp. Local name: Tumbuh-tumbuh jubok | Relieves coughs |
22. | Desmodium triflorum Local name: Sisik buaya | Relieves boils |
23. | Drynaria sp. Local name: Lukut | Relieves headaches |
24. | Euphorbia hirta Local name: Rumput putih | Anticoagulant |
25. | Eurycoma longifolia Local name: Tongkat ali | Aphrodisiac |
26. | Eusideroxylon melagangai Local name: Malakangai | Relieves backache |
27. | Eupatorium odaratum Local name: Rumput Malaysia | Thrombogenic |
28. | Gardenia augusta Local name: Bunga kaca piring | Diuretic |
29. | Helminthostachys zeylanica Local name: Jelai | Tonic |
30. | Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Local name: Bunga raya | Slows down graying |
31. | Hibiscus tiliaceus Local name: Baru-baru | Relieves swelling |
32. | Homalomena sp. Local name: Keladi biak | Febrifuge |
33. | Hydnophytum formicarum Local name: Sarang semut | Cancer |
34. | Impatiens balsamina Local name: Inai pacak | Antihypertension |
35. | Imperata cylindrica Local name: Lalang | Antitumor |
36. | Jasminum sambac Local name: Melor | Relieves headache |
37. | Kaempferia galanga Local name: Cekur | Postnatal tonic |
38. | Lansium domesticum Local name: Langsat | Antimalaria |
39. | Lygodium sp. Local name: Langkubut | Removes thorn |
40. | Manihot esculenta Local name: Ubi kayu | Stomach complaints |
41. | Melastoma malabathricum Local name: Kodok-kodok | Relieves heartburn |
42. | Mimosa pudica Local name: Malu-malu | Tonic |
43. | Morinda citrifolia Local name: Mengkudu | Diabetes |
44. | Nepenthes gracilis Local name: Periuk kera | Postnatal tonic |
45. | Oldenlandia diffusa Local name: Rumput kerak nasi | Antipsychotic |
46. | Orthosiphon aristatus Local name: Misai kucing | Antihypertensive |
47. | Pandanus sp. Local name: Rasau manok | Antipsychotic |
48. | Parkia speciosa Local name: Petai | Antidiabetic |
49. | Paspalum conjugatum Local name: Rumput kumpau | Thrombogenic |
50. | Pennisetum purpureum Local name: Padi hiang | Rouses appetite |
51. | Peperomia pellucida Local name: N/A | Antirheumatic |
52. | Phyllantus niruri Local name: Dukung anak | Purifies blood |
53. | Piper betle Local name: Sirih | Sinusitis |
54. | Pithecellobium jiringa Local name: Jering | Antidiabetic |
55. | Pouzolzia sp. Local name: Rumput haruan-haruan | Antithermic |
56. | Psidium guajava Local name: Jambu | Stomach complaints |
57. | Sauropus sp. Local name: Supan-supan | Cancer prevention |
58. | Scindapsus sp. Local name: Keladi malong | Gout affected area |
59. | Selaginella sp. Local name: Rumput halus | Postpartum tonic |
60. | Tinospora crispa Local name: Patawali | Antihypertension/antidiabetic |
61. | Trema orientalis Local name: Lindagong | Relieves thrush |
62. | Vitex pubescens Local name: Kulim papa | Antimalaria |
63. | Zingiber purpureum Local name: Bonglai | Tonic |
64. | Zingiber officinale Local name: Halia | Carminative |
65. | Zingiber zerumbet Local name: Lempoyang | Tonic |
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