Caffeine and its salts – Price Values and Quantity by Year from 2000 to 2007

3.6.29 Caffeine and its saltsPrice Values and Quantity by Year from 2000 to 2007 Overview

Scientific name:Methylxanthine
Common name: Caffeine
Plant part used:Leaves, fruits (tea, coffee,guarana,kola)
HS Code:293930000
SITC Code:541430000 Analysis

From the years 2000 to 2003, no data on the export of caffeine and its salts were available. This was due to non-declaration by the Malaysian Royal Customs Division and the Statistics Department could not  process of the relevant data. After 2 years the data recorded became permanent. In year 2004, the amount of export was high but the amount dropped until 2006 and picked up again in year 2007. The quantities exported were unpredictable and the revenues obtained followed the same trend. The highest revenue received was in year 2004 with a value of RM45,140 while the lowest collected was in year 2006 with a value of RM5,374.  The costs per kg of product exported  were not consistent ranging from RM7.16 to RM24.72.

The differences between the export and import costs per kg of product  indicated negative values except for the year 2005. This situation  implied that greater amounts of the products were consumed locally.



Table 119: Summary of export volumes and values

*Note: N/A refers to undeclared value by The Royal Customs and Excise

Department of The Government of Malaysia



 Figure 169: Malaysia’s export 2000 – 2007 for Caffeine & Its Salts



Figure 170: Exported Caffeine & Its Salts price trend 2000 – 2007

Year Export(RM)Import(RM)Diff(RM)

Table 120: Export and Import Unit Cost Differences of Herbal Products 2000 -2007

*Note: N/A refers to undeclared value by The Royal Customs and Excise

Department of The Government of Malaysia

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