Caffeine and its salts – Price Values by Year from 2000 to 2007

2.3.35 Caffeine and its saltsPrice Values by Year from 2000 to 2007 Product Specifications

Scientific name:


Common name:


Plant part used:

Leaves, fruits (tea, coffee, guarana, kola)

HS Code:


SITC Code:

541430000 Analysis 

Caffeine and its salts are used as lipolytic agents for reducing body fats. Throughout the observed period the i mports of these materials were made in moderate quantities. There was, however, a  general  a decline   in  the quantity purchased. The import of the material started with a high quantity  of 26,495 kg  and slowly decreased to 6,960 kg in year  2007. In between the period,  from year 2000 to 2007, it is observed that the quantity and the value of the  imports  visibly varied from year to year.  The price per kg of product  ranged from RM10.06 in year 2005 to RM73.69 in year 2002.


Table 38: Summary of import values and quantities



Figure 70: Malaysia’s import 2000 – 2007 for Caffeine & Its Salts



Figure 71: Imported Caffeine & Its Salts price trend 2000 – 2007


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