Essential Oils of Vetiver – Price Value by Year from 2000 to 2007

2.3.48 Essential Oils of Vetiver – Price Value by Year from 2000 to 2007 Product Specifications

Scientific name:Vetiveria zizanoides L.
Common name:Khus
Plant part used:Roots
HS Code:330126000
SITC Code:551326000 Analysis 

The import quantities for years 2004, 2005 and 2007 for this product were not available. The maximum quantity imported during the observed period was 10,444 kg and the minimum amount was at 440 kg, while the import values of the product ranged from RM10,380 to RM83,144 As a whole, the cost per kg of the product on the was found to be relatively moderate.


Table 51: Summary of import values and quantities


Figure 96: Malaysia’s import 2000 – 2007 for Essential Oils of Vetiver


Figure 97: Imported Essential Oils of Vetiver price trend 2000 – 2007

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