Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)

1. ScienceFund

a. Objectives

The objectives of ScienceFund are:

  1. to support research that can lead to the innovation of products or processes for further development and commercialisation; and/or
  2. to generate new scientific knowledge and strengthen national research capacity and capability.

b. Research Cluster (RC)

The research activities are focused towards meeting the industrial needs in new and emerging fields of science, engineering and technology in the context of national interest.

The clusters identified:

  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Biotechnology
  • Industrial Technology
  • Sea to Space
  • S&T Core

c. Research Priority Areas

d. Eligibility Criteria

  1. This fund is open to all research scientists and engineers who are employed on a permanent or contractual basis from the following organisations:
  1. Government Research Institutions (GRIs);
  2. Government Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Agencies; and
  3. Public and Private Institutions or Higher Learning (IHL) with accredited research programmes.


  • Expatriates working under contract with any of the above institutions are eligible to apply. However, the project must have a permanent Malaysian co-researcher from the same institutions, well-versed with the project, to ensure its completion in the event the expatriate’s contract is terminated.
  • The service of a contract researcher must be valid during the period of research proposed and contractual documents must be furnished as proof of employment for the period.

2. The following organisations are not eligible for ScienceFund:

  1. Private Research Institutions (PRIs) in the private sector;
  2. Other department/agencies that carry out research under their purview; and
  3. Research Institutions (RIs) with internal research funding such as Cess Fund.

Note: These organisations can participate by collaborating with the eligible institutions.

3. Project proposal substantially similar to proposals submitted to any other government funding agencies.

4. Researchers can lead only one (1) project at any time. Researchers have to submit the End of Project Report (EPR), before submitting a new application.

e. Selection Criteria of The Project

f. Types of Research (TOR)

Strategic Basic Research
Experimental or theoretical work undertaken primarily to acquire new knowledge directed into specified broad areas that are expected to lead to useful discoveries.

Applied Research
Research undertaken to acquire new knowledge for a specific application.

g. Funding Quantum

The quantum of funds approved will be determined on the merits of each application.

h. Scope of Funding

The scope of funding will be up to laboratory proof of concept.

The funding can be utilized for the following categories:

  • Wages and Allowances for Temporary and Contract Personnel
  • Travel and Transportation
  • Rentals
  • Research Materials and Supplies
  • Minor Modifications and Repairs
  • Special Services
  • R&D Equipment and Accessories

i. Application Process

Application for ScienceFund must be made online through the website

Please refer to the eScienceFund User Manual for more information at

j. Further Information

For further information please contact:

Fund Secretariat
Planning Division
Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation
Level 3, Block C5, Parcel C
Federal Government Administrative Centre
62662 Putrajaya
Tel: 603 8885 8842 / 8852 / 8145 / 8758 / 8778
Fax: 603 88892994
email : [email protected]

2. TechnoFund

a. Objectives

  • To stimulate the growth and successful innovation of Malaysian medium and large enterprises by increasing the level of R&D and its commercialization
  • To increase capability and capacity of Malaysian Government Research Institutes (GRI) and Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL) to undertake market driven R&D and to commercialise the R&D findings through spin-offs / licensing
  • To enhance global competitiveness and R&D culture among Malaysian medium and large enterprises
  • To increase contribution to Malaysia’s GDP through economic wealth creation and exports
  • To foster greater collaboration between enterprises and GRI/IHL.

b. Types of Funding

i. Type A – Pre-Commercialization

Pre-commercialization activities comprise development (up-scaling) of commercial ready prototypes / pilot plants / clinical trials for demonstration and testing purposes but not commercial exploitation.

ii. Type B – IP Acquisition (Laboratory Scale)

Type B comprises acquisition of IP (academic / laboratory scale prototype)from overseas or local sources for further development up to pre-commercialization stage.

Applicants can apply for a combination of Types A and B or Type A only.

c. Eligibility

Medium and Large Malaysian Companies (minimum 51% equity held by Malaysian)including Government Linked Companies (GLC) and Public Listed Companies(PLC). A medium or large Malaysian company is a business entity that fulfils the following criteria (by sector):

Medium/Large Company by Sector
Primary Agriculture Sector Manufacturing Sector (including Agro-based) Services Sector (including ICT)
Annual turnover exceeding RM1.0 million or 20 or more full time employees Annual turnover exceeding RM10 million or 50 or more full time employees Annual turnover exceeding RM1.0 million or 20 or more full time employees
Malaysian GRI and IHL.

d. Collaboration

Industry applicants are encouraged to collaborate with one or more GRI/IHL (public or private).

GRI/IHL applicants must identify industry partner(s) to undertake joint collaboration. In the collaboration, industry partner(s) should jointly contribute financial or non-financial resources to the project.

e. Technology Clusters

Project proposals eligible for consideration must fall under any of the technology clusters listed below:

  • Agriculture;
  • Biotechnology;
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Industry (Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing, Nanotechnology, Alternative Energy, Waste to wealth).

f. Funding Quantum

The quantum of funding and percentage of funding support under TechnoFund will be determined on the merit of each application.

g. Scope of Funding

Type Scope of Funding
A. Pre-Commercialization
  • Pilot Plant & Equipment (if applicable)
  • Clinical Trial (if applicable)
  • Commercial Ready Prototype
  • IP Preparation and Registration in Malaysia only (excluding maintenance)
  • Market Testing of Commercial Ready Prototype
  • Regulatory and Standards Compliance
  • Contract Expenditure
  • Expenditure of Services (market survey, consultancy and testing)
B. IP Acquisition
  • Acquisition of IP (laboratory scale)
  • Training (technology transfer)
h. Further Information

For further information please contact:

Technology Development Unit,
Science, Technology and Innovation Division,
Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)
Level 3, Block C5, Parcel C,
Federal Government Administrative Centre,
Tel: 03 – 8885 8810 / 8163
Fax: 03 – 8888 9473
Email: [email protected]

3. Enterprise Innovation Fund (EIF)

a. Objectives

To assist individuals / sole-proprietors, micro and small businesses/ enterprises to develop new or improve existing products, process or services with elements of innovation for commercialization.

b. Eligibility

  • Individual
  • Sole Proprietor
  • Micro Enterprise*
  • Small Enterprise*


Micro Enterprise – annual sales turn over of less than RM250,000 or full time employees of less than 5;

Small Enterprise – annual sales turn over of RM250,000 to less than RM10 million or full time employees of 5 to 50

c. Eligibility Criteria

  • Malaysian individual, sole-proprietor, micro or small enterprise.
  • Project proposal must contain elements of technological innovation leading to commercialization of innovative products, processes and services.

The technological innovation may be either :

  • recombination/fusion/integration of technologies that lead to new product, processes and services or
  • Replication/refinement of existing technologies with improved value enhanced efficiency or cost reduction.
  • Project must focus on either one of the technology cluster identified.
  • Person(s) involved in the project should have suitable qualification or experience.
  • Applicants must show proof of financial capability that they can fund the portion of project costs not funded under EIF.
  • Project must be undertaken in Malaysia.
  • Applicants (for individual applicants only) must identify one key person that MOSTI may contact as referee. Please ensure that you have the consent of this individual to be your referee. The referee must also be aware of the details of your application.

d. Funding Quantum

The quantum and duration of funding approved under EIF will be based on the merits of each application as listed below:

Target Group Quantum (maximum) Duration of Funding (months)
Individual RM20,000 12
Sole Proprietor RM20,000 12
Micro Enterprise RM20,000 12
Small Enterprise RM250,000 18
e. Scope of Funding

  • Consumables / materials
  • Equipment (not more than 40% of total amount requested)
  • Expenditure for services (consultancy and testing)
  • Project documentation
  • Regulatory and standard compliance
  • Product testing (including samples, fees and documentation)

f. Technology Clusters

Project proposals eligible for consideration must fall under any of the technology clusters listed below:

  • Agriculture
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Biotechnology
  • Industry

g. Further Information

For further information please contact:

Innovation Unit,
Science, Technology and Innovation Division,
Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)
Level 3, Block C5, Parcel C,
Federal Government Administrative Centre,
Tel: 03 – 8885 8153 / 8154/8841/ 8050 /8750/ 8877
Fax: 03 – 8888 9473
Email: [email protected]

4. Community Innovation Fund (CIF)

a. Objectives

To assist community groups to convert knowledge/idea into products / processes / services that improves the quality of life of communities.

b. Eligibility

Community Groups (such as Non -Governmental Organizations, Community Associations, Village Development & Security Committees (JKKK) and others).

c. Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must be a registered / Government recognized Malaysian Community Group.
  • The proposal must contain innovative elements leading to the development of products / services / processes that improve societal well-being.
  • Applicant must show proof of financial capability that they can fund the portion of project costs not funded under CIF.
  • Project must be undertaken in Malaysia.

d. Funding Quantum

The quantum and duration of funding approved under CIF will be determined on the merits of each application as listed below:

Target Group Quantum (Maximum) Duration (Months)
Community group RM500,000 18
e. Scope of funding

  • Consumables / materials
  • Equipment (not more than 40% of total amount requested)
  • Expenditure for services (consultancy)
  • Product documentation
  • Demonstration of application (including samples, fees and documentation for promotion / exhibitions)

f. Technology clusters

There is no technology clusters for CIF. However, the emphasis is innovation that improves societal well-being.

g. Further Information

For further information please contact:

Innovation Unit,
Science, Technology and Innovation Division,
Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)
Level 3, Block C5, Parcel C,
Federal Government Administrative Centre,
Tel: 03 – 8885 8153 / 8154/8841/ 8050 /8750/ 8877
Fax: 03 – 8888 9473
Email: [email protected]

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