Nutmeg – Price Values by Year 2000 to 2007

2.3.5      Nutmeg – Price Values by Year 2000 to 2007    Product Specifications

Scientific name :Cuminum odorum
Common name: Nutmeg
Plant part used :NA
HS Code:090810000
SITC Code:075251000    Analysis 

The import of nutmeg was not constant during the observed period and it was traded in relatively large amounts, between 183,210 kg to 393,272 kg. It is observed that the variations in quantity from year to year were fairly significant. The price values for the product however, indicated an increasing trend from about RM1.809 million in year 2000 to about RM6.785 million in years 2007. The cost price per kg of product for each year   differed moderately and the values ranged from RM5.96 to RM18.78.


Table 8: Summary of import values and quantities



Figure 10: Malaysia’s import 2000 – 2007 for nutmeg



Figure 11: Imported nutmeg Price Trend 2000 – 2007

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