Patchouli Leaves and Other Parts of The Plant Used for Distillation – Price Values by Year from 2000 to 2007   Product Specifications

Scientific name:Pogostemon patchouli
Plant part used:Folliage, Flowers
HS Code:121190100
SITC Code292490100 Analysis 

Flowers of patchouli are fragrant and essentially it is grown for its foliage. At the beginning of year 2000 until 2004, the total value of the product imported was low and following two years, the value rose to a maximum amount of RM 800,000 In year 2007, the value imported began to show a decline. The quantity imported and the cost per kg of the product experienced low and high price levels throughout the observed period.


Table 25: Summary of import values and quantities


Figure 44: Malaysia’s import 2000 – 2007 for Patchouli Leaves and Other Parts of The Plant Used for Distillation


Figure 45: Imported Patchouli Leaves and Other Parts of the Plant Used for Distillation price trend 2000 – 2007

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