Tumeric (Curcuma) – Price Value by Year from 2000 to 2007

2.3.15  Tumeric (Curcuma) – Price Value by Year from 2000 to 2007 Product Specifications

Scientific name:Curcuma longa
Vernacular name:Khamin, tumeric
Plant part used:Rhizomes
HS Code:091030000
SITC Code:075291000 Analysis 

The demand for Tumeric did not vary very much throughout the observed period but the total value of import increased slightly in year 2002 after which there were very significant increases from year 2003 to 2005. In year 2006, the total value of import decreased and picked up again in year 2007. The quantity of the product brought into the country ranged from 2.107 million kg to 4.232 million kg, while the total import values ranged from about RM3.825 million to about RM11.770 million.


Table 18: Summary of import values and quantities


Figure 30: Malaysia’s import 2000 – 2007 for Tumeric (Curcuma)


Figure 31: Imported Tumeric (Curcuma) price trend 2000 – 2007

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