Links to Homeopathy Websites


It is hard to choose which websites to list here since there are so many good websites on homeopathy. The websites listed below have been chosen because they give a lot of resources for the person who is searching for more information on homeopathy, publications and its practice as well as the remedies and where they are available.

Websites Available

Among the listings are:

  1. Homeopathic pharmacies
  2. Websites of individual homeopaths who have contributed to the world homeopathic community
  3. Recommended bookstores, publishers and book sellers who have made a commitment to publish, sell current and old homeopathic authors

The listing is in alphabetical order

Name of website
ABC Homeopathy The uniqueness of this website is the remedy finder that helps the lay person find a remedy to suit their complaint.

This Homeopathy website introduced a remedy finder in August 2001 which was a personal project. It did not start as a commercial site. As the website grew, it needed to finance itself hence a shop was added to it.[1]

 B. Jain books The biggest publisher of Homeopathy books based in Delhi India. This book publisher makes available homeopathy books at a reasonable price. This publisher accepts orders from around the world and ships them accordingly. Besides books the company also distributes homeopathy software and other homeopathy products. Quoting from its website:

This bookstore and publisher has developed connections in the Homeopathic Community and Industry. Other than books, it now sells Homeopathic software and sells homeopathic globules and remedy bags to various countries in the West. It also runs distant learning courses in partnership with the British Institute of Homeopathy in the UK.[2]

Boiron, pharmaceutical Laboratories, Homeopathy Sophisticated website run by a large international homeopathic pharmacy. It has branches in America, Europe, Africa and Indian Ocean, Asia and Eastern Europe. This homeopathic pharmacy is currently growing and expanding is perhaps a sign of the times.

The chairman of Boiron says that the turbulent time that is being experienced is amenable to the innovative approaches in all fields including those of medicine and pharmaceuticals.

Boiron has adopted a family structure system that makes them more adaptable to economic fluctuations. They rely on motivating incentives to improve performance. The company tries hard to bring more and more products into the market.[3][4]

Helios Homeopathy Ltd


This is the website of a leading homeopathic pharmacy that was started 20 years ago. It is based in Kent, England.[5] Besides homeopathic remedies, this company also sells books and Flower essence remedies. The site also has some resources for the homeopath and patient in the form of links and articles on Homeopathy. The company also has a complementary health clinic which offers treatment various modalities including homeopathy.
Homeopathic Educational Service Dana Ullman is the owner of this website. He sells Homeopathy lessons, books, CD’s and homeopathic remedies from this website. The owner of this website is himself a prolific writer and is perhaps one of the most well known figures of Homeopathy in the United States.[6]
Homeopathic Medical Publishers, Dr Rajan Sankaran This website belongs to Dr Rajan Sankaran, an Indian homeopath who teaches in the United States, Europe and Israel, besides having workshops and conferences yearly in Mumbai. His conferences are well attended by veteran homeopaths worldwide. His influence on the practice of Homeopathy today is undeniable.[7]
Homeopathic Online Education This website belongs to a well known Homeopathy teacher, David Little. The mission of the website is stated as:

This website was created for the study of Homeopathy and to provide articles that educate and inform Homeopaths. This website has a lot of free resources from the perspective of David Little and he has influenced a growing number of homeopaths with this free resource.[8]

Homeopaths without borders A non-profit organization that offers homeopathic treatment, as a humanitarian effort serving the communities that are in need. This organization is based in the US and is currently collecting donations to aid the Haitian earthquake victims.[9]
 Homeopathy  Home The site claims the following:

This website provides a one stop centre for anyone who wants to know anything about Homeopathy on the internet. The average visitors per month are 68,000 which work out to one every 30 seconds. The visitors to this site are mostly from the USA and Europe. It also has visitors from 42 other countries in the world.[10]

It is a web resource that contains a directory for the following resources in the United Kingdom and United States and the some resources for world:

  • Organisations and practitioner lists
  • Homeopathic Pharmacies
  • Training Colleges
  • Homeopathic Hospitals
  • Veterinary Institutions and Veterinary Practitioners
  • A Library of online books and articles
  • A Discussion list
  • Services and supplies
Homeopathy internet resources This is part of a larger website on alternative and complementary therapies [11] and has an extensive list of

  1. Information and meta directories on homeopathy
  2. National and international homeopathy organizations
  3. Practitioner databases
  4. National and international Organizations
  5. Homeopathy discussion lists
  6. Education and training
  7. General interests
  8. Publications

The site is owned by an individual named Mark D. Gold, an American. The only issue with this page is that it has not been updated since 2001 which means a lot of the links are now obsolete.

Life Force Homeopathy This is a website owned by a famous Indian homeopath, Dr Rajesh Shah. While it is a commercially oriented website, it has a lot of useful information about remedies, links to research on homeopathy, write ups about ailments and the commonly prescribed remedies.

Under what is Homeopathy, there is listed information as below:

  • Constitutional Approach
  • Medicine Sources
  • Facts & Myths
  • Commonly used Remedies
  • How to find a qualified homeopath?

For the practitioner there are a number of though provoking articles by Dr Shah and his partner.

Dr P. Banerji’s Advanced Homeopathic Healthcare Center An introduction to this website reads as follows:

This website gives reports on treated cases that are normally very difficult to treat including cases of cancer renal failure, heart diseases and other hard to treat diseases by using their own homeopathic methods which is claimed to be advanced. It also offers treatment via this website and claims that there have been more than 14 million successful prescriptions by their chain of clinics in 25 years. The first clinic was started in 1918.[12]

Dr P Banerji comes from a family of homeopaths who have been treating patients for 5 decades and he has been teaching homeopathy internationally.

Homeopathy International This site is in French and in English. The webmaster is Sylvain Cazalet of Montpellier – France, a writer who is interested in Homeopathy.

It has homeopathy links in three languages, English, French and Spanish.   Links include other homeopathy websites as well as online homeopathic bookstores and homeopathic software programs. It has the biggest collection of historical photographs of Homeopaths and buildings of Homeopathic Hospitals and Institutions.[13]

Access is limited to subscribers on some of the books and articles. The site has articles and books on homeopathy and well as the history of Homeopathy in the United States of America.

Homeopathy Today This website has articles from the National Centre for Homeopathy publication “Homeopathy Today”.

There are 6 editions published per year and the articles are written by top homeopaths. Topics range from self treatment for common complaints to methods in homeopathy and also the philosophy behind Homeopath. There are also topics on specific remedies and the management of some named conditions.[14]

Homeopathy Worked For Me This website is a response to the anti-homeopathy material on the web and in the media in the UK.

It states on the website :

The campaign is run by a homeopathy advocacy group which is called H:MC21 which is short for Homeopathy: Medicine For The 21st century. It is registered as a charity and was set up for the promotion of homeopath and to defend the rights of people to choose homeopathy as a therapy within the National Health Service.

Among the objectives of this charity is to advance public education on homeopathy via research into outcomes of homeopathic treatment, the level of use of homeopathy by the public. This research which is either conducted by the charity itself or by others is then published by them. The charity is also campaigning for increased research and increased use of homeopathy.[15]

 Hpathy, Homeopathy for everyone As the name implies, this website has something for everyone, the student, the homeopathy, the patient, just about anybody who wants to know about homeopathy. This website was started by an Indian homeopath by the name of Manish Bahtiar. The website states its origins thus:

This is an open project for the international homeopathic community where there are contributions by people from around the world. The mission of this website is to make homeopathy available for everyone. His website develops the professional content and services without any cost to the user of this website.[16]

Minimum Price Book This homeopathy bookshop is a famous online bookstore based in the US. It is not only a bookstore; it seeks to educate the general public and homeopaths about the latest findings in Homeopathy and carries a lot of articles about the authors of the latest homeopathy books. It says about itself

This bookstore offers books and information that would help people to become healthy by using natural products and living a healthy and natural lifestyle. They believe that the least therapy would produce the least dangerous side effects and believe that all therapeutic agents have a potential of causing damage. Because homeopathic remedies use a very small dose, they mostly sell homeopathy books.[17]

Minutus This is a homeopathy resources website started by Dr Ardavan Shahrdar, a prominent Iranian homeopath who is known internationally. The website introduces itself thus: This website aims to offer knowledge and information about Hahnemanian Homeopathy. There are many articles including some original articles by Dr Ardavan himself. Besides this there are articles by the old homeopaths who pioneered homeopathy including Samuel Hahnemanns articles. In addition there are quizzes and materia medica as well as useful links to other websites recommended by Dr Ardavan.[18]
Nelson’s Homeopathic Pharmacy This homeopathic Pharmacy is the oldest in London and is still actively producing and selling homeopathic remedies.

This Pharmacy was founded in 1860 and has a lot of

Historical memorabilia which attest to its long history. Bach flower remedies are sold from this pharmacy since the 1930s.[19], everything on Homeopathy This portal is another one created by Indian Homeopaths and is for students, teachers and professionals of Homeopathy. There are contributions by homeopaths in the form of presentations and articles and overall, it is a good resource for those who are teaching and learning homeopathy. The website describes itself as below:

This claims to be the largest homeopathy portal on the website offering research articles and original articles by homeopathy teachers. It is meant as a resource for homeopathy students, teachers and practitioners.

The contact person for this website is Dr K.R. Mansoor Ali.[20]

Whole Health Now This website aims to provide for their customers which include professional health care providers and the general public high quality health products and other services as well as resources which are sold for the lowest price possible.[21]

The website has a products page as well as homeopathy resources, the most interesting of which is a Homeopathy timeline with links to homeopathy books sold on this website.[22]

Homeopathic Pharmacopeia US Online Database


This is the website of the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the US. This resource is available as an online subscription for both individuals and institutions. It has the most current and updated database of homeopathic medicines registered under the HPUS. It serves as resource for the industry which includes product developers, researchers and educational institution including libraries.

The subscriptions are as follows:

  • 1 day access – USD 29
  • 30 days access – USD 99
  • 1 year access – USD 1000
  • Unlimited users for corporations – USD 15, 000.[23]


  1.   ABC Homeopathy. About Abc Homeopathy 2009. Available from: [Accessed 1 Feb 2010]
  2. B Jain Publishers. About B. Jain 2009. Available from: [Accessed 4th Feb 2010].
  3. Boiron. Shareholder’s and Investors Area, Chairman’s Message. [Online]. 2009. Available from: [Accessed 2nd Feb 2010].
  4. Boiron. Annual Report 2009 Available from: [Accessed 30th Jan 2011];p 1-4.
  5. Helio. Helios Homeopathy ltd. [Online]. 2010. Available from: [Accessed 16th Mar 2010].
  6. Wikipedia. Dana Ullman 2010. Available from: [Accessed 2nd Feb 2010]
  7. Cooper G. Interview with Rajan Sankaran 2006. Available from: [Accessed 4th Feb 2010]
  8. Similimum. Com. Homeopathy Online Education, on Side Bar. [Online]. 2007. Available from: [Accessed 4th Feb 2010]
  9. Homeopaths without Borders 2010. Available from: [Accessed 4th Feb 2010].
  10. Homeopathy Home. Advertising Info 2010. Available from: [ Accessed 2nd Feb 2010]
  11. Holistic Medicine Resource Centre 2001. Available from: [Accessed 4th Feb 2010]
  12. Homeopathic Health Care Centre. Home 2006. Available from: [Accessed 4th Feb 2010].
  13. Homeoiot.Org. Hospitals and Sanatoriums of the Homœopathic School of Medicine 2001. Available from: [Accessed 2nd Feb 2010]
  14. Homeopathy Today. About 2010. Available from: [Accessed 16th March 2010]
  15. Passionate about Choice, Positive about Homeopathy 2010. Available from: [Accessed 4th Feb 2010]
  16. Hpathy. About Hpathy 2010. Available from: [Accessed 2nd Feb 2010].
  17. Minimum. Com. About Us 2010. Available from: [Accessed 2nd Feb 2010]
  18. Minutus. About 2009. Available from: [Accessed 4th Feb 2010]
  19. Time Out Consume Editors. London’s Best Health, Beauty and Ethical Shop 2010. Available from:[Accessed 4th Feb 2010].
  20. Similima.Com. About Us 2010. Available from: [Accessed 2nd Feb 2010]
  21. About Whole Health Now 2010. Available from: [Accessed 2nd Feb 2010].
  22. Homeopathy Timeline 2008. Available from: [Accessed 2nd Feb 2010]
  23. HPUS. HPUS Online What is it 1995. Available from: [Accessed 10th Feb 2010]. 

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