American Ginseng

Plant Part Used Root. Introduction Native Americans have traditionally used American ginseng as a general tonic to help restore the health of the weak and wounded, as well as to help the mind. Today, along with the other forms of ginseng, American ginseng has become very popular as a natural preventative and restorative remedy. Scientists […]


Plant Part Used Whole plant (excluding root) Introduction Phyllanthus has a long tradition of use in the Hindu Ayurvedic system of medicine and it has long been used as a medicinal agent in cultures around the world. It is usually found in central and southern India, where it can grow from one to two feet […]


Plant Part Used Fruit juice. Introduction Noni is found in many parts of the tropics, including the Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia, India, and the Philippines. Noni fruit was used by the ancient Hawaiians, and it is still used by the local population in Hawaii for diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and other chronic disorders. In […]


Plant Part Used Bark, cortex Introduction   Editor’s Note:While the science behind this dietary supplement is lacking, many individuals are using it. For this reason, Intramedicine has provided this monograph using the information that is currently available. As more science and research is provided, this monograph will be updated to include that material. For thousands […]


Plant Part Used Leaf Introduction Feverfew has gained immense popularity because of its effectiveness in relieving migraine headaches. For proper efficacy in the treatment of migraines, doctors recommend continuous use for at least a month, as feverfew is often slow to work. A standardized extract of this herb is derived from the leaf of the […]


Plant Part Used Root Introduction Licorice originated in the Mediterranean and Middle East and has been used medicinally and as a flavoring agent since at least 500 B.C. It has been used traditionally for fatigue (in the case of adrenal gland insufficiency), (1) as an expectorant, (2) in gastrointestinal distress (particularly of benefit in ulcers), […]

Uva Ursi

Plant Part Used Leaf Introduction Uva ursi has been used worldwide as a diuretic, astringent and antiseptic for centuries. Uva ursi, or bearberry, is a low growing evergreen shrub found native in many parts of the world. Dosage Info Dosage Range 100-200mg (standardized extract) daily. Most Common Dosage 100mg (standardized extract), 2 times a day. […]


Plant Part Used Isolated constituent Introduction The lesser periwinkle (Vinca minor) is a native of many parts of Europe, where it grows in woods and thickets. A derivative of vinca minor, vinpocetine, was introduced into clinical practice in Europe more than two decades ago for the treatment of certain brain disorders. Interactions and Depletions Interactions […]


Plant Part Used Fruit Introduction A large portion of the United States’ population is overweight. The use of garcinia has been rapidly growing in the United States due to the desire of people to lose weight. As part of a lifestyle that includes good nutrition and exercise, garcinia may favorably modify metabolism and appetite. These […]


Plant Part Used Resinous exudate from stem Introduction Mastic gum is obtained from a shrub found scattered over the Mediterranean region in Spain, Portugal, France, Greece, Turkey, Northern Africa and the Canary Islands. In addition to being a traditional medicinal agent, mastic gum has traditionally been used in the perfume industry and as chewing gum […]

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