
Plant Part Used Bark, cortex Introduction   Editor’s Note:While the science behind this dietary supplement is lacking, many individuals are using it. For this reason, Intramedicine has provided this monograph using the information that is currently available. As more science and research is provided, this monograph will be updated to include that material. For thousands […]

American Ginseng

Plant Part Used Root. Introduction Native Americans have traditionally used American ginseng as a general tonic to help restore the health of the weak and wounded, as well as to help the mind. Today, along with the other forms of ginseng, American ginseng has become very popular as a natural preventative and restorative remedy. Scientists […]


Plant Part Used Whole plant (excluding root) Introduction Phyllanthus has a long tradition of use in the Hindu Ayurvedic system of medicine and it has long been used as a medicinal agent in cultures around the world. It is usually found in central and southern India, where it can grow from one to two feet […]


Plant Part Used Fruit juice. Introduction Noni is found in many parts of the tropics, including the Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia, India, and the Philippines. Noni fruit was used by the ancient Hawaiians, and it is still used by the local population in Hawaii for diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and other chronic disorders. In […]


Plant Part Used Root. Introduction Astragalus has been valued by the Chinese for centuries for its ability to enhance our immune system and its stress-fighting properties. Scientists commonly refer to astragalus as an adaptogen, meaning it can actually modify the body’s response to stress and infections. The root of this plant is used to make […]

Green Tea

Plant Part Used Leaf. Introduction Green tea has long been used in much of the world as a popular beverage and a respected medicinal agent. (1) Early Chinese medical literature lists green tea as an agent to promote digestion, improve mental faculties, decrease flatulence and regulate body temperature. The earliest known record of use dates […]

Reishi Mushroom

Plant Part Used Fruiting body. Introduction Reishi mushroom is called the “mushroom of immortality” in China and has been used as a tonic and strengthening medicine for thousands of years. Uses in traditional healing include increasing intellectual capacity and memory, promoting agility and lengthening the life span. Interactions and Depletions Interactions Anticoagulant medications Antiplatelet medications […]


Plant Part Used Proteolytic enzymes derived from pineapple stem. Introduction The supplement scientists refer to as bromelain is actually comprised of enzymes derived from the stem of the pineapple plant. These enzymes have been used for years as a meat tenderizer, among other things, in the food industry. Meanwhile, bromelain may offer a wide array […]


Plant Part Used Berry/leaf. Introduction Bilberry is one of the most popular herbs on the market today. During World War II when British air pilots ate bilberries, they reported an improved ability to adjust to glare and an increase in their visual acuity and nighttime vision. (1) These days, people still use bilberry to support […]


Plant Part Used Resin Introduction Guggul has been used in the Indian (Ayurvedic) medical system for centuries to treat a wide range of disorders. In the early 1960s, researchers began to explore the ancient Sanskrit description of guggul’s use by Ayurvedic physicians in the management of lipid disorders. After years of research and scientific studies, […]