Chapter 4: Fees for Chiropractic Care


Fees for chiropractic services vary considerably from country to country and even state to state. Statutory bodies, such as Workers Compensation Boards, Transport Accident Authorities and Veterans Affairs and Medicare organizations may have published fee schedules that have been set, at times without adequate consultation with professional bodies. Most professional bodies have traditionally maintained a ‘Recommended Fee Schedule’ but members are not usually compelled to adhere to the recommended scale of fees (Dr R. Graham Hunt Personal communication Sep 25 2010)

Responsible bodies do promulgate their fees on websites or questions relating to fees for services provided by association members may be obtained through inquiry via telephone or email to association offices.

For example, the Ontario Chiropractic Association website from Canada provides easy access to the OCA Recommended Fee Schedule. [1]The OCA is of course a voluntary professional association whose purpose is to serve its members and the public by advancing the understanding and use of chiropractic care. As in most jurisdictions there will always be members of the various health care professions who see fit to not belong to a professional association while benefiting from the efforts of such organizations.

People seeking the services of chiropractors could be well advised to look to members of professional associations who are bound by professional codes of behavior [Ethical Codes] and who are more likely to provide care at prices recommended by their association.


Different procedures are adopted around the world to provide citizens with information that may be of importance to them. It may seem somewhat difficult to obtain appropriate information relating to Workers Compensation coverage in some jurisdictions in the United States of America. The New York State Workers’ Compensation Board promulgates information relating to “ Laws, Regulations and Decisions” on its Website and provides information relating to medical, physical therapy, occupational therapy, psychological services, podiatry and chiropractic services, including fee schedule amendments, with the following type of advice [2]:

Application of the Fee Schedule.

The fee schedule for chiropractic services is set as the fee schedule on the date the treatment was provided, irrespective of the date of the accident. [2]

The Workers Compensation Board have produced the ‘Official New York Workers’ Compensation Chiropractic Fee Schedule and it sets out the Fees for chiropractic services. The First Edition was released in August, 1996, with amendments in September 1997 and an update in Dec 2010. It is published by Ingenix (Medicode Publications). [2]

The Fee schedule is not available online, but can be examined at various government offices or purchased from the publisher. [2]

By contrast, the South Australian workers compensation chiropractic services, provides an easily accessible (via the internet) known as WorkCoverSA ‘Chiropractic fee schedule and guidelines’ wherein the maximum rate of reimbursement for services provided by a registered chiropractor when treating a workers compensation claimant is prescribed.

The full schedule of fees is provided with a description of each procedure with timings and maximum fees set out [3].


The Transport Accident Commission of Victoria Policy Statement asserts that the chiropractic treatment from a registered chiropractor for an injured client of TAC will be funded for reasonable costs.

Under its guidelines the TAC will consider funding the cost of reasonable chiropractic treatment where:

  • There is clinical justification for treatment, and
  • The treatment is likely to be effective and achieve or maintain a measurable functional improvement, and
  • The treatment promotes progress towards functional independence, participation and self-management.

Only chiropractic services provided according to the TAC’s Schedule of Fees for Chiropractic Services will be reimbursed. [4]



Appendix 1





  1. Ontario Chiropractic Association chiropractic coverage with OCA recommended fee schedule [online] 2010 [cited 2010 Sep] Available from URL:
  2. New York State Workers’ ,Compensation Board , laws regulations and decisions medical fee schedules [Online] 2010 [cited 2010 Sep] Available from: URL :
  3. WorkCoverSA Chiropractic fee schedule and guidelines [Online] 2010 [cited 2010 Sep] Available from: URL:
  4. Transport Accident Commission Physical therapy resources Chiropractic Policy [Online] 2010 [cited 2010 Sep] Available from: URL :
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