Chapter 4: Patient Education Module

There are two sections to this module:

  1. Education content for the general public by Dr Tedd Koren most widely read Doctor of Chiropractic in the world.
  2. Information about chiropractic education tools for Chiropractors use

Why Should I Go to Chiropractor  

Submitted by

Dr Tedd Koren,DC [1] 

The greatest discovery of any generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. – Albert Schweitzer

Chiropractic is now one of the most sought form of alternative medicine in the world and it is becoming very popular, attrackting from office workers, movie stars, scientists, labourers, businessmen, medical doctors, housewives to infants, elderly, and professional athletes.” All come seeking the unique services that only a doctor of chiropractic can provide. [4] Chiropractic has been a blessing to millions for over a hundred years, but there are still millions of people sick, living on drugs or perhaps facing surgery who don’t know what chiropractic is about and how much it can help them. [2]

Who Should Go to a Chiropractor?

Anyone with a spine can and should see a chiropractor, whether is a male or female, 1 day old or 100 years old, blue-collar or white-collar worker, anyone can see a chiropractor. [12] Since everyone is unique, each patient is treated as a different individual. It is clear that a newborn suffering from spinal trauma during delivery will be treated differently than an old lady, pianist, pregnant woman, or recent automobile accident victim. [11] Chiropractors are trained and competent doctors who have learnt a multitude of different techniques to treat different conditions and get results from treatments.

Chiropractors should be the first consultation before anyone undergoes back surgery. In case someone has already gone through back surgery, a chiropractor may be able to help prevent complications after surgery such as FBSS – Failed Back Surgery Syndrome. [3] 


Why does chiropractic help so many people in so many ways? That’s because chiropractic has a unique approach to health. Doctors of chiropractic do not treat specific conditions such as migrains [5], menstrual cramps, etc., the aim of the doctor of chiropractic is to enhance your own natural healing ability by correcting the misalignment in your spine (subluxation). Correcting the subluxation complex promotes natural healing, vitality, strength and health since it unblocks the energy in your body. That’s the reason why you may see people with many kinds of health problems in the waiting room of a doctor of chiropractic, yet they are there for one thing only, to have their subluxations corrected.[8]

What Is A Subluxation?

A subluxation is a misalignment in your spine which causes irritation in your nervous system and blocking the energy that flows in your body resulting in overall body discommfort and/or malfunction. Subluxations affect the general health of your nerves, ligaments, discs and joints, and weaken your muscles. Anyone really can have subluxations for years without even noticing any effects. 

What is the role of your Chiropractor?

Doctors of chiropractic are specially trained to evaluate, treat and diagnose of any disorder of the spinal. They detect subluxations and treat them by using chiropractic “adjustment” techniques which results in the realignment of the spine and the proper functoning of the nervous system and body. 

What is the Chiropractic Message

The Chiropractic’s message is very simple and straightforward: All of us have within us, an inborn or innate natural healing ability that needs to be restored. The body is the best healer! But the subluxation complex interferes with that natural inner ability and proper function of the body.

Having periodic chiropractic examinations and adjustments will help you be free from subluxations and will promote and enhance that natural inborn healing ability, making you feel, heal and function better.[6], [7]

Why should I go to a chiropractor?

Because we all want to live better and healthier, and having a healthy body structure can help us accomplish that. Everybody should get their spines checked periodically to make sure to live free from nerve stress and function at the fullest. Chiropractors perform a unique service – the location and correction of subluxations. Everyone should visit their neighborhood doctor of chiropractic for a periodic checkup. You get your eyes, teeth, blood pressure and other body parts checked – why not your body structure? Chiropractic care will help to improve your health and therefore your life. [9] 

Can I go if I’m under medical care? 

Yes. You always need a healthy spine no matter what other type of care you’re receiving. You can have your body checked for vertebral subluxations by a doctor of chiropractic while you are visiting any other kind of doctor. It is like going to see your dentist and your gynecologist as well. [10] Each doctor are trained to treat specific conditions. Only chiropractors are trained to detect subluxations and correct them.


Patient education is an important component of the chiropractic clinical encounter. Most chiropractors develop their own method of education but many use various systems and procedures developed by other chiropractors. There are many companies that offer chiropractic brochures, posters, and systems for practitioners to use. Among them are the following:

1. Back Talk Systems Inc

Back talk was founded by Dr Rob Jackson, an American chiropractor in 1989. The company aims to assist chiropractors by providing them with effective and modern communication tools such as brochures, posters and other devices. [13] 

2. Patient Media

Patient Media provides chiropractic education and marketing materials. Founded by Mr Bill Esteb, a long time chiropractic patient and advocate. Patient media aims to provide useful materials for doctors, but from the patients’ point of view. [14]

3. Team WLP Chiropractic Coaching

The Waiting List Practice (WLP) group provides a coaching service to chiropractors to help them achieve success. They help to guide the doctor in personal development and business development. The tools they offer include patient education and business management systems. [15]

4. Powerful Practices

Powerful Practices offers patient education materials, practice management systems and coaching to chiropractors. An Australian based organisation, run by chiropractors they are one of the most experienced coaching teams within Chiropractic. [16]

5. Parker Seminars

Parker Seminars were founded in 1952 by Dr James Parker. They are one of the world’s largest chiropractic seminar organizations. They offer practice management strategies and communication tools to chiropractors to assist them to develop successful practices. Emphasis is given to practical tools that can be implemented easily.[17]


  1. Koren T. Why should I go to a chiropractor?. 2010 Feb.
  2. Frisina Family Chiropractic FAQ [online]. 2010 [cited 2010 Feb]; Available from: URL:
  3. Dr. Matthew J. Zdilla [Online]. 2010 – 2011 [cited 2011 April]; Available from: URL:
  4. Aprill C, Axinn MJ, Bogduk N. Occipital headaches stemming from the lateral atlanto-axial (C1-2) joint.  Cephalalgia 2002 Feb;22(1):15-22.
  5. Tuchin PJ, Pollard H, Bonello R. A randomized controlled trial of chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy for migraine. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2000 Feb;23(2):91-5.
  6. Hough DW.Case management of nocturnal enuresis.Today’s Chiropractic; 2001 July-Aug. p. 59-66.
  7. Langley C.  Epileptic seizures, nocturnal enuresis, ADD. Chiropractic Pediatrics; 1994 April 1.(vol 1)
  8. Regan KJ. Enuresis, spasmodic dysmenorrhea and gastric discomfort: a vertebral subluxation complex entity. Dig Chiro Econ 1990 Mar/Apr;32(5):110.
  9. Giles LGF, Muller R. Chronic spinal pain – a randomized clinical trial comparing medication, acupuncture and spinal manipulation.  Spine 2003;28:1490-1503.
  10. Arnold-Frochot S. Investigation of the effect of chiropractic adjustments on a specific gynecological symptom: dysmenorrhea. J Aust Chiro Assoc 1981;10:14-16.
  11. Mathews MO, Thomas E. A pilot study of applied kinesiology in helping children with learning disabilities.  British Osteopathic Journal 1993:X11.
  12. Leboeuf-Yde C, Axen I, Ahlefeldt G, et al. The types and frequencies of nonmusculoskeletal symptoms reported after chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1999 Nov/Dec;22(9):559-64.
  13. Backtalk Systems Inc. [Online]. 2010 [cited 2010 Feb]; Available from: URL:
  14. PatientMedia [Online]. 2010 [cited 2010 Feb]; Available from:
  15. Waiting List Practice [Online]. 2010 [cited 2010 Feb]; Available from: URL:
  16. The Centre for Powerful Practices [Online]. 2010 [cited 2010 Feb]; Available from: URL:
  17. Parker College of Chiropractic [Online]. 2010 [cited 2010 Feb]; Available from: URL:
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