Glossary of Sidhha Medicine

Term of Siddha Medicine
Original term English Term Description
Tolkappiyam Tamil Scriptural Classic The oldest Tamil book ‘Tolkappiyam’ of 1400 BC contains medical information.  


Five primordial elements Earth, water, fire, air, and space are the primordial elements in the formation of every single material (living and nonliving) in the world; the entire universe, including the creatures in it, is constituted, and influenced by these five elements.


Five sense organs Five organs which make the five senses operate (perceive); ear, structural component of space element, responsible for hearing; skin, structural component of air element, responsible for touch sensation; eye, structural component of fire element, responsible for sense of sight; tongue, structural component of water element, responsible for taste; nose, structural component of earth element, responsible for smell.
Varmam Vital life energy points Vital energy points in which life energy is concentrated; manipulation of these points with specific force and time regulates the flow of obstructed life energy and brings relief to affected individual.
Eṇṇey Medicinal oils Herbal juice, decoctions, powder or herbal paste is added with specific oils, boiled at specific heat level until definite consistency is reached, and finally filtered and preserved; shelf-life is one year. 


  1. WHO international standard terminologies on Siddha medicine [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2022. [cited 2023 Aug 29]. Available from:  
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