Note: These definitions are direct quotation from the source.
- Medicine
- Allopathic Medicine
- Western Medicine
- Conventional Medicine
- Modern Medicine
- Mainstream Medicine
- Orthodox Medicine
- Complementary Medicine
- Unconventional Medicine
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
- Traditional and Complementary Medicine (T&CM)
- Traditional Medicine, Complementary and Alternative Medicine (TM/CAM)
- Integrative / Integrated Medicine
- Biomedicine
- Traditional Medicine
- Alternative Medicine
- Homeopathic Medicine – Professional Bodies / Organizations
Therapies Categories
There is a multitude of diverse modalities or type of practices in this group of medicine. The categorization systems depend heavily on the purposes for which it is intended: for regulatory purposes, to provide guidance or information on which modalities are efficacious or to provide clear representation of the spectrum of modalities.
- Model A : New Zealand Charter of Health Practitioners (The Charter) – Regulatory Purposes
- Model B : House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology, UK – Guidance or information on which modalities are efficacious
- Model C : US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) – Representation of the spectrum of modalities
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